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Sales training: Why spending can be wasted

Sales training is designed to optimise sales staff, but costs can top billions of pounds every year. A huge proportion of that spending goes down the drain. Surveys show recently trained staff performance in meeting revenue targets, tends to taper off drastically after the initial benefits of the training are experienced, often going straight back […]

Hosted buyers…who needs ‘em?

New Year? New fiscal? New opportunities? And what better opportunities could there be for new sales growth than attending an industry exhibition in 2018. But there are rumblings amongst professional attendees that the ‘hosted-buyer model’ may be creaking a little. At a recent industry gathering actual buyers…not exhibitors…were asked if they were happy with the […]

You’re missing out if you’re not utilising brand ambassadors

Brand ambassadors aren’t exactly a new idea in the marketing world, but they’re a criminally underutilised resource for most marketing departments. The public trusts earned information, like recommendations from their friends, word of mouth, and testimonials from key influencers more than they trust any other kind of marketing. Using passionate, involved voices speaking on behalf […]