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Do employee motivation programmes really work?

Employee motivation and recognition is a major topic of conversation for many organisations, but do these programmes work? Yes, they do. Employees who are recognised become engaged, motivated, and perform better. In this blog, we will explore what employee motivation is, how it works, and why it matters. We will also share some ideas for employee motivation and how FMI Agency can help you design and implement effective employee recognition programmes. 

What is an employee motivation programme? 

An employee motivation programme or employee motivation scheme should be designed to reward and acknowledge employees for their achievements, contributions, and demonstrating behaviours that align with the organisation’s goals and values. Employee motivation can take many forms, such as verbal praise, public recognition, monetary rewards, non-monetary incentives, career development opportunities, social events, or award dinners. Employee recognition can be formal or informal, individual or team-based, frequent or occasional. What is most important is that it is designed for your business. 

What dos an employee motivation scheme involve?

An employee motivation scheme involves three main elements: define, recognise, and assess.

Define: This is where the standards or expectations that determine what constitutes good performance or desirable behaviour are defined. The results should be clear, specific, measurable, and relevant to the organisation’s objectives and culture. The standards should also be communicated and agreed upon by both managers and employees. Keep the standards concise so that they are easily understood.

Recognise: This is the act or gesture of expressing appreciation and gratitude for an employee’s achievement or behaviour. Recognition should be timely, sincere, motivational, and proportional to the effort or impact. Providing recognition also demonstrates the expectations to other employees. As a motivational aide it should be tailored to the employee’s preferences and needs because not all employees enjoy the same things and therefore ensuring there is range of tools and awards are available allows for this tailored approach.

Assess: Not everyone can be a top employee, but that doesn’t mean they are not trying to be. Assessment is the information or guidance that motivates an employee allowing them to understand how they are doing and how they can improve. Any feedback should be constructive, supportive, and with defined actions. Assessments should also be consistent, regular, and aligned with the standards and recognition. There should never be surprises, that just means your process is not working.

Why do employee motivation programmes work?

Employee motivation programmes work because they have positive effects on both employees and organisations. Here are some of the benefits of employee motivation programmes:

For employees a good recognition programme can:

    – Increase motivation, engagement, and productivity

    – Boost self-esteem, confidence, and satisfaction

    – Enhance loyalty, commitment, and retention

    – Foster teamwork, collaboration, and innovation

    – Improve performance, quality, and customer service

For organisations it can:

    – Attract, develop, and retain better talent

    – Communicate and reinforce organisational culture and values

    – Enhance reputation and brand image

    – Reduce turnover, absenteeism, and stress

    – Increase profitability, growth, and competitiveness

Ideas for employee recognition

There are many ways to recognise employees for their work and behaviour. Here are some ideas for employee recognition that you can use or adapt for your organisation:

Say thank you: A simple and sincere thank you can go a long way in making an employee feel appreciated and valued. You can say thank you in person, by phone, by email, or by card. You can also use social media, newsletters, or intranet to publicly thank an employee or a team for their achievements.

Give praise: A genuine and specific tribute can boost an employee’s morale and confidence. You can give praise in private or in public, depending on the employee’s preference and the situation. You can also use performance reviews, feedback sessions, or recognition ceremonies to formally praise an employee or a team for their accomplishments.

Reward excellence: A tangible and meaningful reward can motivate an employee to continue and exceed their performance. You can reward excellence with money, such as bonuses, raises, or commissions – but this can be easily forgotten and become expected. You can also reward excellence with non-monetary incentives, such as gift cards, merchandise, or experiences. You can also reward excellence with career development opportunities, such as training, mentoring, or promotion. Gala nights with the or Company Rewards can also be a great way of bringing teams together to demonstrate and celebrate excellence in the business.

Celebrate milestones: A festive and fun celebration can foster a sense of belonging and camaraderie among employees. You can celebrate milestones such as birthdays, anniversaries, or retirements. You can also celebrate milestones such as project completion, sales target, or customer satisfaction. You can celebrate milestones with social events, such as parties, lunches, or outings. You can also celebrate milestones with symbolic gestures, such as certificates, trophies, or plaques.

Get feedback: Constructive and supportive feedback can help an employee and businesses grow and improve. You can get feedback from managers, peers, customers, or stakeholders. You can get feedback through surveys, interviews, or focus groups. You can also get feedback through online platforms, such as blogs, forums, or reviews. Consider getting full feedback by doing 360-degree analysis.

Employee motivation programmes with FMI

At FMI, we understand the importance and impact of employee motivation programmes. We have the skills and capabilities to help you design and implement effective employee motivation schemes that suit your organisation’s needs and goals. We can help you:

– Discover, Define and Communicate your criteria for employee motivation

– Design and Deliver your motivation, recognition and reward programme

– Measure and Evaluate your motivation recognition and reward outcomes

– Provide and Facilitate your assessment opportunities

– Create and Manage your recognition and celebration events

We have worked with many clients across various sectors and industries to create and deliver successful employee recognition programmes.


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